Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Standardized Tests & NCBL

Standardized tests. I have never been a big fan of standardized tests. I was always smart and a good student and near the top of my class. However, I did not do well on standardized tests. I am not a good test taker and even worse standardized test taker. In elementary school, I remember my mom getting my standardized test results and not understanding how I could do so wel in school then only do okay on a standardized test.

I do understand standardized tests are state mandated but personally I just do not care for them.

After watching the videos Dr. Luongo posted for us and talking to a teacher I know(who does special education) I now how even stronger feelings about NCLB Act. How can someone(or the state) expect students to mature at the same exact rate? Does every child learn to walk by age 1? Does every child learn to use the potty at the same age? No. So then why should we expect every student to be at the same milestone at a specific point?

The teacher that I know(who teaches special education) told me how she has had to watch (in the past) her students struggle through the standardized tests because at one point, the teacher could not even read the question to the student. Her students would become so frustrated that it would worsen the situation and negatively effect that students test results more.

Personally, I feel as though standardized tests are not a fair evaluation of students and that the NCLB Act is absurb for thinking that every students mind, body and brain mature at the same rate.


  1. Erica,
    I totally agree with you about standardized tests. I also think they are not a good evaluation of students. Nice post.

  2. Standardized tests are here to stay. How we use them to create metter students is up to us.

    Is there a way to do this?
