Thursday, February 19, 2009


"Write a rubric?! What's suppose to be in a rubric?!" Those were my first thought the first time I was told to include a rubric with my lesson. I had no idea where to begin and I absolutely hated the idea of rubrics. Now, after reading and watching videos on rubrics, I know the purpose for them! Before I thought they were pointless and a waste of time. Boy, has my mind changed.

A rubric is a great way to let a student know what is expected of them. If a student knows what a teacher is looking for in their work, the work given now becomes more effective. Another plus to rubrics is the fairness(in a sense). A teacher cannot grade on whether she likes or dislikes a student when following a rubric -- it is solely based on the rubric and what is included in the students work. A rubric clearly states what is expected and how to obtain a specific grade.

After Chapter 10(and seeing the Rubistar website), I have a new take on rubrics. I will now enjoy creating rubrics more and plan on using them in my classroom! I feel rubrics are a fair evaluation of a students work because there is no reason to receive a bad grade!


  1. Erica,

    I agree about rubrics. They used to baffle me, too. I used to think they were "fluff". Now, I see you can create them in so many ways and use them to help students rather than just to GRADE them.

    Thank you for your insightful posting!

  2. Erica,

    I completely understand where you're coming from! Rubrics used to confuse me too! Until I took Dr. Luongo's Teaching Language Arts class I had no idea what a rubric was or how to make one. It is great that now we both understand the concept behind rubrics!

  3. I agree that rubrics are a fair way to assess students because you're laying out the guidelines for the assignment, showing them what you expect from them, and the grade that they will receive based on their work and effort. I also agree with what Dr. Luongo said. Rubrics are useful in so many ways and they are designed to help students, not just to grade them.

  4. Erica,

    I completely agree with you, I did not have any intentions on using rubrics in my assessment but after reading the chapter and watching the videos I see were they are important. They are great guidelines for students. Great Post!
